About Proficiency Testing Canada

Mission Statement

Proficiency Testing Canada (PTC) is a not-for-profit organization that improves the quality of laboratory data by providing laboratories with critical quality assurance tools.

Since 1991

From 1991 to the end of 2019 the Proficiency Testing Canada PT schemes were operated under the management of the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA).  At the end of 2019, the operation of these schemes was transferred from CALA to PTC.

What makes PTC different?

We provide personalized services that are unique to your needs. For most PT schemes, PTC provides four samples per round, twice a year. With a few exceptions, samples are not concentrated so they arrive ready for analysis. This provides participants with PT that covers a concentration range with each PT round, in a format that more closely represents real samples than is available from most other PT provider. Preliminary reports are issued within one week of the study close, shortly followed by the official report. Final Reports consist of two parts: 1) the confidential report that contains performance evaluations and other confidential information, and 2) summary reports for each PT scheme that contains summary statistics and various graphical representations to help participants investigate any questionable performance. PTC also encourages participants to contact PTC staff with any concerns they may have with their PT reports and evaluations. All concerns are investigated and responded to in a timely manner. Should an investigation result in the identification of a probable PTC error, a revised report will be sent to the participant as well as to other participants that may be affected by the same error.

Why is Proficiency Testing Important?

Proficiency Testing Canada helps laboratories monitor the quality of their testing methods and procedures by providing all participants in the study with the ability to confidentially compare their results with other laboratories. The detailed data helps laboratories identify problem areas, take corrective action and then verify results as part of their ongoing participation in proficiency testing and commitment to quality service. It has also been demonstrated that ongoing participation in PT tends to improve laboratory quality and performance. PT participation is also a mandatory requirement of laboratory accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025, the international standard governing the operation of testing and calibration laboratories.

Request more information

If you are interested in acquiring Proficiency Testing for your organization, send an email to nlewis@ptcanada.org